5 Reasons to Join the Embracing Future Potential Network

Written by EFP

Embracing Future Potential is a network of 5 unique careers websites whose mission is to enable employment by connecting employers to high-quality, well-informed job seekers.

Our network has two halves: Early Talent (Employing an Apprentice and Developing a Student) and Diverse Talent (Careers with Disabilities, Refreshing a Career and Aspiring to Include). Across these five websites, we ensure that the UK job market doesn’t leave anybody behind. And that employers can access the best candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds. Here are five reasons why employers should join our network:

1. Helping Job Seekers Who May Have Otherwise Been Left Behind

Each of our sites support a group of people who have suffered greatly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We ensure that students, apprentices, disabled job seekers, career-changers and those from underrepresented backgrounds can find meaningful and fulfilling careers.

By joining our network, you can become an employer dedicated to supporting these groups of jobseekers. Through our research, we know that these groups are most vulnerable to falling through the cracks of the UK economy. With your help, we can change that.

2. Showcase Yourself as a Diversity Champion

The three websites on the Diverse Talent side of our network help employers meet their diversity and inclusion goals. By advertising on Careers with Disabilities, Refreshing a Career and Aspiring to Include, you are taking active steps to hire a broader range of candidates. In doing so you are showcasing yourself as a diversity champion. By having a profile on our sites, others can see you are dedicated to achieving equality in the workplace.

3. Access the UK’s Only National Apprenticeship Levy Matching Service

Employing an Apprentice is home to the UK’s only National Apprenticeship Levy Matching Service. We help match excess levy with businesses who need it, ensuring more people can access apprenticeships. This is a unique service that makes transferring your excess levy to businesses across the UK a straightforward process.

4. Find a Whole Range of Resources to Improve Your Organisation

As well as our jobs boards and company profiles, each of our sites has a wealth of information and resources to support your business. From how to improve your company culture to understanding the Disability Confident scheme, we have all the information you need to be the best employer you can.

5. Advertise on Jobs Boards Built for Your Type of Vacancy

Our jobs boards are unique as they meet the needs of each type of jobseeker. For example, on Employing an Apprentice, you can advertise your apprenticeships and connect them to the appropriate standard found in our standards search tool. Or on Aspiring to Include, you know that we showcase your jobs to job seekers who are actively searching for information about diversity and underrepresentation at work.

To access all of these services and more, visit the For Employers section of our website.

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