Embracing Future Potential is so pleased to welcome the latest addition to our website network: Aspiring to Include. Aspiring to Include has been created with Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at its core. Our dual mission is to guide employers on their journey to creating a more progressive and equal workplace, whilst supporting jobseekers and employees who are most vulnerable to workplace discrimination and prejudice.
Aspiring to Include is part of our Diverse Talent network. Therefore, it will directly support those jobseekers whose identities mean they face more significant barriers than anyone else when searching for a meaningful and successful career. Along with disabled jobseekers supported by Careers with Disabilities, and those returning to work, supported by Refreshing a Career, Aspiring to Include will complete our Diverse Talent network and support those we feel are marginalised in the workplace.
By referring to the 2010 Equality Act’s protected characteristics, we decided six key user groups to focus our resources on. These are:
- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people
- Women
- Migrants and refugees
- Socioeconomic backgrounds
- Faith and Religion.
In each of these sections, you will find information on your rights as an employee and dedicated support and resources pages. We have created these resources hubs as we believe that arming job seekers with information and confidence will help create a better workplace for all.
Embracing Future Potential is a network of websites committed to equal employment opportunities for all. We know that we must help employers take active steps to achieve this goal. Aspiring to Include is a website for employers too. By joining our employers’ network, we can help you reach your Equality, Diversity and Inclusion goals, and show your current and future employees that you value a safe and equal workplace culture.
Along with the other websites in our network, Aspiring to Include has a jobs board and employer directory. Every opportunity and employer you see on this part of the site has committed to equality diversity and inclusion. Through our employer guides to using appropriate language, inclusive recruitment, workplace culture and many more, all the employers interacting with our site have access to the tools needed to create a better workplace for everyone. Which means you can trust that any job you see on our site comes with a commitment to total inclusion.
We hope you love Aspiring to Include as much as we do.