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The Kickstart Scheme

The Kickstart Scheme2022-05-25T15:04:06+01:00

UPDATE – Unfortunately, the Kickstart Scheme has now ended.

Check out our Help and Advice section for other support available.

The Kickstart Scheme was announced by the government in July to help provide jobs to those young people who are at risk of long-term unemployment.

The scheme entails the establishment of a £2 billion fund to pay for the first 6 months of employment for every new young person that you hire who was claiming Universal Credit.

Claiming this funding requires certain criteria to be met; The job must be new and provide quality experience to the new employee, the employee must be claiming Universal Credit and between 16 and 24 years old, and the funding will only cover the National Minimum Wage for 25 hours per week, equal to a maximum of £5,668.

Due to it being announced only recently, there are still very few details on the specifics of the scheme, including how to claim it. However, this site will continue to update as soon as there is any new information. If you wish to be informed about any updates on this and any other new government funding, you should sign up to our newsletter.

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