Starting a new role at any time can be daunting, especially if you are getting your first job. There are new people, a new environment to get used to, and most importantly, a new job to learn. However, for those who have got a job in the last year, there have been even more challenges. Joining a virtual team is a whole new world; many people are working with colleagues they have never met or don’t even live in the same country as.
If you’ve succeeded in getting a new job this year, this is something to celebrate and not to worry about. We have put together our tips for joining a virtual team to make the transition as simple as possible.
Try to Relax in Virtual Meetings
Getting used to talking over zoom or other virtual meeting platforms can take a bit of time, but as soon as you relax and get into the swing of it, it can be as easy as a regular meeting. Even if it feels a little forced at times, remember to ask your colleagues about non-work-related things, ask them how their weekend was, or what they are doing this evening. Having these casual conversations in a meeting will make all the difference.
Take a Coffee Break with Your Colleagues
If you are taking a little break from work, why not ask a colleague if they want to do the same and have a chat while you do. This short and causal time can be a great way to get to know the people you work with, the way you would typically in the office. Some companies have even successfully set up company-wide coffee breaks so that the day isn’t focused only on work.
Use the Chatroom or Communication Platform
Asking questions and sharing successes on your communication platform is a straightforward way to stay in touch. This will also stop you from feeling isolated. Even if others aren’t using the platform that much, just go for it. The likelihood is the rest of the team will be grateful for a chat. Telling your colleagues when you are starting and finishing work is also really useful in feeling united as a team.
Find Out About Out of Work Events
Ask your team whether they ever have any out of work events that you could join. While it doesn’t always feel the same, socialising online can be really enjoyable and can help you to feel more comfortable with your colleagues. If this isn’t something they have done before, why not suggest organising one yourself. You could do a charity fundraiser or a staff pub quiz.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ring Your Colleagues
If you are struggling with something at work, don’t be afraid to ring someone you work with for advice. Sometimes something which takes ten emails back and forth can be solved in five minutes on the phone. Once you get into the habit of speaking to each other on the phone, it can be an excellent way to check in throughout the week.
If you want to create a better atmosphere in your business, have a read of our guide to improving your workplace culture.